
Knowledge Related to Archer

The second season of the animated television series, Archer originally aired in the United States on the cable network FX. This season started on January 27, 2011, with "Swiss Miss" and ended with "Double Trouble" on April 21, 2011, with a total of thirteen episodes

· Other Related Knowledge of video cable

Works of video cable

The Liar: Fall of Jonathan Aitken, Penguin Books (1997), co-written with David Leigh and David Pallister. An account of how the British politician Jonathan Aitken sued the Guardian newspaper over sleaze allegations and was jailed for perjury.

WikiLeaks: Inside Julian Assange's War on Secrecy, Guardian Books (1 February 2011), .mw-parser-output cite.citationfont-style:inherit.

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mw-parser-output .citation .mw-selflinkfont-weight:inheritISBN 978-0-85265-239-8, co-written with David Leigh.

A biography of Julian Assange, the founder of WikiLeaks. WikiLeaks: Inside Julian Assange's War on Secrecy and Daniel Domscheit-Berg's WikiLeaks: My Time with Julian Assange and the Worlds Most Dangerous Website was adapted into a screenplay by Josh Singer, and became the film, The Fifth Estate. Co-produced by DreamWorks and Participant Media, it was directed by Bill Condon and starred Benedict Cumberbatch and Daniel Brhl.

It was released on 11 October 2013 in the UK and 18 October 2013 in the US. Mafia State: How One Reporter Became An Enemy Of The Brutal New Russiaa, Random House (NY, 22 September 2011), ISBN 978-0-85265-247-3; Guardian Books (UK, 29 September 2011), ISBN 978-0-85265-247-3. An account of his experience in Russia and interactions with the FSB.

The title "mafia state" comes from one of the American diplomatic cables obtained by WikiLeaks. Libya: Murder in Benghazi and the Fall of Gaddafi (20 October 2012), co-written with Martin Chulov. Short e-book, account of the moment of Gaddafi's capture and the current state of Libya.

The Snowden Files: The Inside Story of the World's Most Wanted Man, Vintage Books (NY, 7 February 2014), ISBN 978-0804173520; Guardian Faber Publishing (UK, 6 February 2014), ISBN 978-1783350353. Harding tells Edward Snowden's story from the day he left his girlfriend in Honolulu carrying a hard drive full of secrets, to the weeks of his secret-spilling in Hong Kong, to his battle for asylum and his exile in Moscow. A Very Expensive Poison: the Definitive Story of the Murder of Litvinenko is published in March 2016 by Guardian Faber in the UK.

ISBN 978-1783350933. Collusion: Secret Meetings, Dirty Money, and How Russia Helped Donald Trump Win. Vintage.

2017. ISBN 978-0525562511. (An excerpt titled "The Hidden History of Trumps First Trip to Moscow.

" was published by Politico on 19 November 2017.) Shadow State: Murder, Mayhem and Russia's Remaking of the West. Guardian Faber.

2020. ISBN 978-1783352050.


Slavonic Channel International of video cable

During 16 years of his life and until his very last day Vladimir Ivanenko was engaged in the implementation of the project called Slavonic Channel International.

- The most important thing for Ukraine today is to break through the informational space, meaning it has to find the means to create a network of ground reception in Europe and neighboring countries. (.) - SCI broadcasts from Kyiv, the oldest Slavic capital.

Ukraine has sufficient authority in Europe and the decision suggests itself: basing the largest informational system of European scale in Kyiv. Shalwar trousers won't help us join Europe (Secret Materials publishing house, February 1995). - Slavonic Channel International is a real chance for our country to enter the international informational arena, make itself known to the world not only for our shalwar trousers, flower chains and hopak dancing, but for the generosity, originality and talents of our people; for the beauty and richness of our country.

By learning to value ourselves, respect our country, we will make the world value and respect us. - We believe that creating an international television center of this kind, one that has real political and economical influence in European countries, can not only increase Ukraine's authority but also attract much needed investments to our country. - Having an independent satellite channel on the territory of Europe will strengthen the ties with diaspora and become a source of objective information about Ukraine.

- my dream: in any city of the Earth, any family will be able to push a button on their TV and watch our channel. I believe that one day this will happen. Slavonic Channel is not only for Slavs (Vseukrainskie Vesti, September 1994).

After obtaining a special authorization from the Ukrainian government, through a satellite trunk rented from the EUTELSAT International Space Corporation, in December 1994 a team headed by Vladimir Ivanenko with the assistance of Ukrainian BRT Concern launched and for the first time in CIS countries successfully carried out direct satellite broadcast for the European continent, North Africa and the Middle East. The content of the innovation was constituted by SCI programs. Ivanenko declined the offer from the Russian Union of Oil Producers about broadcasting the channel from the territory of the Russian Federation.

Until the end of his days he was convinced that Slavonic Channel International as a platform for joint broadcast for 13 independent countries needed to be located on the territory of Ukraine, in Kyiv the ancient Slavic capital. The emergence of a new thematic channel was a noticeable occurrence in the field of international television, which was confirmed at the most prestigious congress on television industry, European Forum on Television in Rome in October 1995. Most of the world's informational agencies reported on this question being raised at the forum.

In his book called Television de facto, theoretician Ivan Mashchenko wrote: It was a break-through in space telecasting on the territory of the former USSR. The six-month broadcast (14.12.

1994 15.05.1995) covered Europe, North America and Middle East: the territory populated by 550 ml people in total.

SCI's experimental broadcast had been funded by the project's author. There were two obstacles in the way of its further implementation: the country's lack of enabling environment for attracting investments from abroad, and the high cost of technology required to conduct broadcast with several different language tracks. This reduced the possibilities for channel's distribution in other countries and would have undoubtedly affected the commercial component of the global project.

These factors caused SCI's authors to put the project on hold in May 1995. At the same time, the six months of broadcasting confirmed Slavonic Channel International's ability to occupy a prominent position among other thematic projects addressed to the audience all around the globe. The authors of the project had seen proof that SCI should not focus solely on the Slavic countries and Slavic diaspora.

The largest amount of positive feedback had been received from non-Slavic countries: Germany, France, England, Italy, Portugal and Israel. Up to 2003, Ivanenko was responsible for the organization and conduct of The Velvet Season international television program festival, while remaining the president of TONIS, the television company he had created. From early 2006 and up until his death, Ivanenko was the CEO of Slavonic Channel International (SCI), and working on its updated concept of broadcasting since 2005.

Vladimir Ivanenko died on October 15, 2006. He is buried in Baikove cemetery in Kyiv.

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