
Despite Being Neighbors, How Did Canada and the USA Have Different Lifestyles?

In the old dats communication was very difficult. Even the 13 colonies that made up the original USA would often have different lifestyles.At the time of the revolution there was next to no communication between What then was Canada and the other British colonies.

But these days, on the surface the US and Canadian lifestyles are very similar. This Canadian lives in a concrete high rise building, I drive a Ford, I fell asleep last night watching an American TV show, Saturday Night Live ( produced by a Canadian), the last fast food I had was McDonalds, I have too much in the way of material goods, and do on.As well, this Canadian lived in California for 10 years and did not really have to change my lifestyle at all to fit in so well that no could tell I was not an AmericanAnd in spite of what your Comedians claim, 90% of Canadians raised here from Ottawa to the west coast have the same accent as the west coast of the USA. What you hear in the majority of TV and movies that come from Hollywood is how most Canadians sound

• Other Questions

What's it like to be a billionaire?

This is one very interesting question - also because Billionaires are very interesting people. Billionaires are interesting but very different kind of people. They work things on a different scale (read huge scale). They have to follow a different way of doing things than the rest of us.I know of following things that billionaires like to to -Billionaires are fascinated by Yachts. Also they like to race in open Seas. Larry Ellison is one of them, known for his love for yacht racing. Why Oracle Founder Larry Ellison NEEDS To Have The World's Greatest Competitive TeamBillionaires like to Bet - a lot. They take huge gambles. Sheldon Adelson spent millions on failed republican candidates like Newt Gingrich. Koch brothers do too - for them its calculated business.

Billionaires like to change the world - some want to give back, some want to control. Bill Gates and Warren Buffet had given billions of dollars to help eliminate malaria, poverty, help with vaccines, immunizations, clean water and such in poor countries.Billionaires like things private - they build huge golf courses just for private use, they own jets and yachts, they own clubs and such for private use. The don't like things public.

Billionaires like things big - they make these huge houses to live in, like 50 bedroom house and such. They dont like things small


Who was the most brilliant military commander of the Second World War?

Erich Von Manstein is the clear choice from Germany. I would have to say that Rommel gets dinged for letting himself get decisively out-supplied in North Africa. There is no denying Rommel was an extraordinary mobile warfare commander, but Manstein shows more flexibility and consistency while still pulling off several of the most impressive large scale operations ever.

Georgi Zhukov is not the most "brilliant" military commander from the Soviet Union. He is the most reliable. Also, a Front commander's duties are so enormously organizational that their contribution is that of management, but if you had to choose one of them I would say Nikolai Vatutin is the better candidate. Vatutin is more Sherman to Zhukov's Grant. That said, Vasily Chuikov would be my pick as the best the Soviet Union had to offer. He showed evidence of mastery over all terrains, conditions, and formation types (infantry, armored, artillery, etc.) More importantly, he won... a lot.Western Allied Generals that could compete for the title: Joseph Stillwell? Patton is a good one, but the western allies didn't have as much of an opportunity to flex the same muscles as the eastern front veterans did.


Why don't Portugal and Spain unite, and create an Iberian Union? Wouldn't it be better for both countries?

Well, it would be better for Portugal for sure. Considering Portugal is considerably smaller and poorer, they would strongly benefit from that union as Spain would be paying massive amounts of money to reduce that inequality, as Western Germany has been doing with the Eastern part since the German reunification. For Spain, however, joining with a territory that is poorer and less developed would be a problem. Portugal would be an economic burden that would cost Spaniards a lot of money, and it would be a potential source of territorial conflicts and populism. Spaniards would need to be very generous to accept thay.However, it would also be a bigger change for the Portuguese that for the Spaniards. Spain already is a decentralized, multicultural and multilingual country so adding the Portuguese community wouldn't be a huge change, while for Portugal adding the Spanish community (almost 5 times bigger and internally divided into many communities) would be a huge change.Finally, I would like to add that if territorial issues are well managed, I don't see why it would not benefit both Spaniards and Portuguese in the long term, once Portugal has catched up with the rest of Iberia


Which words should you never search on Google?

I was in the Public library and remembered that I needed to buy something that I wasnt sure would be in stock in some of the stores I would be going to so started pulling up websites from the internet.You can imagine my shock and surprise when I typed in the 2 capital letters (plus an s in the end) of a popular warehouse store and got lurid pictures and video sites.In the middle of the computer section where there were other people using the other machines.

I tried to cover the screen and frantically shut down the site. I then felt obligated to go to the Library office where the staff were and explained to them what happened. I was terrified that I would not only lose my library privileges but would have policemen knocking at my door or something (this was the Public library for goodness sake!) And you could be identified as accessing any site as you have to put in your library account before you could use the computers there.

Thank goodness they understood completely as they all knew me. We even had a little laugh about it as it was such an embarrassing faux pas


How does one gain wisdom?

First I like to explain that there is a difference between knowledge and wisdom. By gaining enough knowledge, one can express and benefit from the conventional wisdom. The conventional wisdom is how things were done historically and how do you apply it to your current situation. Conventional wisdom allows the person to make adjustments based upon previous knowledge. And in a nutshell, that's the difference between gaining knowledge and having wisdom. So how do you gain knowledge to gain wisdom. The more you read and the more eclectic your reading is, at some point you will reach a critical mass of learning. This critical mass is the knowledge of the ages speaking through you as one. That's when the epiphany has occurred. Will this epiphany happen for everyone? And the answer is no! You can read every book that Einstein read and not be able to arrive at the prophetic conclusions that he arrived at. But even if you're stuck at the conventional wisdom level, you will be at a level few people ever arrive at. So read on and learn on! You'll be pleasantly surprised by the ride that you're on


How can the American people accuse President Donald Trump of being at war with them and the world when they are at war with themselves?

What are you even talking about? Trump has waltzed through his "presidency" throwing gas on smoldering fires and clapping with glee as they explode. His suggestion of "good people" on both sides is just one example. He has not addressed AT ALL the racial protests in this country; largely peaceful. Except to send in the military and throw tear gas at protesters to take a photo with the bible.He is at war with us; but only some of us. He's forgotten that he's theoretically the president of all of us. In good times (which he's happy to wrongfully take credit for) and in bad (for which his response is, "I'm not responsible").He hates us. That's why he's assailing regulations protecting our air, land and water, allowing payday loan companies to abuse their borrowers, letting thousands of acres of farmland to be sprayed with chemicals that kill bees.He refuses to protect the LGBTQ community, he refuses to speak out against the assault on the ERA.

And we don't even have to go into CV19 and his abysmal and cowardly handling.Nope. He is against us. He hates us


I am dumb. I process info slow, hard time relating things being taught to what I know. I don't know a lot of things. I'm 21. How do I help myself?

This is a pretty easy one actuallypick something you love doing. It doesnt matter if youre good at it or slow at learning. Just make sure you love doing it. Let me elaborate:Once you have something you love doing, commit to getting DAMN GOOD AT IT. I can assure youif you do thiseverything else will fall into place. It wont matter if youre not as smart or fast as others. Youll have a huge advantage just in the fact that youre focused.

If you find something you love and get good at it, heres what will happen:youll develop discipline. Its hard to get good at something because of how many distractions exist in the modern world. Youll develop your ability to focus.Youll stand out from the crowd. Dont be afraid to be differentbeing different is awesome. Anybody who is worth anything started off different.youll realize that you DO have the power to live the way you want. You just have to have the balls to go and get it.

Personally, I think getting fit is a great way to start. I found that I LOVE being physically active, and I committed to getting damn good at it. Read more about how it changed my life


Will we ever land a human on Mars?

A manned mission to Mars would indeed be a tremendous risk for any human today using the current technology we have to get them there. There supposedly two organizations going to attempt a manned mission to Mars before and during 2020; NASA hoping for a 2030 opportunity. Many problems exist today, and much more knowledge needed before anyone should eeven consider it, in my viewpoint. I worked the manned mission to the moon projects and even then we lost astronauts, almost another crew in Apollo 13.A much more logical method of transportation and within this decade to get humans on the Mars surface would be teleporting them there. Of course we do not have real teleportation today of large objects and humans. However, we could possibly have it if we were to perform R & D on the technology to create it, instead of spending billions on research and development using extremely risky processes.Teleportation is real, however, one just needs to think outside the box to create it. Funding the project in order to organize a scientific team, build a laboratory and acquire the resources are needed to research and develop the technology to make it happen.

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